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Monday, November 30, 2009

How to Stay Grounded During the Holidays

How to Stay Grounded During the Holidays

By Mike Robbins

Here are a few things we can remember this holiday season to make us feel more fulfilled and less overwhelmed:

1) Take Responsibility for Your Experience. It’s important to remember that stress we experience during the holiday season does not come from the holidays, but from ourselves. We’re the creators of our own experience—remembering this, and living our lives from this perspective, empowers us. When we stop thinking, speaking and acting as if we’re mere victims of holiday madness, we can dramatically enhance our enjoyment and lower our stress.

2) Remember That You Have a Choice. We always have a choice about how we engage with anything. This holiday season we can choose to be annoyed by family members, obligations, forced work gatherings, crowds, prices or anything else. Or, we can choose to enjoy the magic of this time of year. We may not always get to choose the people and circumstances around us, but we always have a choice about how we relate to them. Our holiday experience is up to us, as it always is.

3) Focus on What You Appreciate About the Holidays. Consciously choose to focus on the things that you appreciate about the holiday season. Tell the truth about this to yourself and to those around you. If at all possible, don’t participate in work or family gatherings out of obligation. But regardless of where you are, what you do or whom you are with, make a commitment to appreciate the people around you and the many blessings of this season and in your life right now.

Even when things are challenging, we always have much to be grateful for. At this time of the year, we can take a step back, breathe deeply and experience the gratitude we have for our lives, for the people in them, and for ourselves. If not now, then when?

While there are always things for us to do, gifts to buy, gatherings to attend and much more going on at this time of year, we can choose to enjoy this holiday season as one filled with authentic peace, gratitude and joy. If we’re willing to look for, find and focus on what we appreciate.