Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 8, 2009

I have a blog???

Should have known I would post one entry and then forget about this thing.
I feel like "Rachael" from FRIENDS in the "New Years Eve" where they are discussing the new years resolutions they will make and how Rachael can never keep her resolutions. Rachael argued that she could in fact keep the resolution she was going to make that year. Monica then reminds her of her resolution that she made last year, which was to write in her diary everyday. Monica runs to Rachael's room grabs Rachael's diary, opens to the first page and reads "Dear Diary, as my new years resolution I promise to write in you every day, see you tomorrow" and then flips through the diary and there is not ONE other page written on. It was a funny episode, you have to see it I guess. Miranda knows what I'm talking about!

Let's see, what all has happened...... I turned the big 23!! Yikes! I must say as I get older birthdays become more depressing. I'm not sure why that is, I mean we live in a world today where half the women do everything and anything they can to stay looking young, and the other half embrace their age, say they feel better than ever and just enjoy it. I think I am somewhere in between. While I know some of you reading this think that I am being silly "I mean she's only 23" you're thinking. But, I have also been married for almost 4 years and have a 3 year old daughter. I experience things in life that women in their early-mid 30's haven't experienced yet. I love love love my life, I think I'm a pretty good wife and mother. I do the best I possibly can. But that doesn't mean I have treat life as if it's all downhill from here..... that birthdays are something to be dreaded and not celebrated "oh it's another birthday, another year older, who cares" Well I REFUSE to be that "woman" From now on I will embrace the fact that I am ONLY 23 and that I can act my age and be a great wife and mother as well. Hey I have an advantage..... I can go roller skating with my daughter, I can run and chase her, my favorite thing to do on a playground is swing.... no sirree, I do NOT sit on the bench and watch as my child plays, I am RIGHT there on the slides, monkey bars, and swings with her. I love blowing bubbles and you give me some sidewalk chalk and you've got a happy lady. I still LOVE Disney movies. I could eat shock tarts/sweetarts like they were going out of style(is that right? I guess it's not really a style, but you get what I mean) and despite that have two wrinkles under each eye.... I love them because I know they are from smiling SO SO MUCH!