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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tonight's the night!

The beginning of the FINAL FOUR! Let's go Tar Heels!!!

Today consisted of Kirk going to work at 9:00am to help move their furniture from their old Greensboro Office to their NEW Greensboro office. 9:00am-5:00pm! SO since it was a beautiful day, Aubrie and I played outside. We blew bubbles, she rode her little bike while I brushed up on my gossip magazines. She chased a few harmless bugs, picked a few flowers and then the bees came. OH those Bees. She is her mother's daughter. I am DEATHLY afraid of Bees! Evidently she has seen how I react when Bees are around me.....I'm not going to lie to you, it's not pretty. I think I was stung so much as a child that the sight of a bee is enough to scare the tinkle out of me. Any who, my Aubs ended up in tears. The bees seemed to be attracted to the bubbles....(we have no flowers in our yard yet, so I have no clue why so many wanted to hang out with us today) any who, they simply would not go away and I was to scared to swat at them with my pink flower fly swatter. So inside we went to watch Cinderella.

I washed a few loads of laundry only to realize that one of the hoses on our washing machine has a HOLE in it and was leaking water EVERYWHERE! Sooooo off to Lowe's we will go tomorrow to replace the stupid hose with a hole in it!