Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

So I guess I will take a minute and up date some of you that I do not talk to weekly or daily. My Dr appts have been going great. I've had all the blood tests done and everything is perfect with myself & the baby!!! What a relief. They were able to see everything perfectly clear on my ultrasound and my Dr said usually they aren't able to see everything so well but mine was perfect! Yay! I was prescribed a CHEWABLE prenatal vitamin! It's about time they made those. Seriously, not everyone can swallow those horse pills and no wonder women always feel like they are going to throw up when taking them...gag reflex...hello! Anyway, as of October 23rd I believe... I have only gained two pounds. My Dr said this was fine as long as I was eating when i'm hungry and reassured me I would pack on the pounds towards the end. We'll see. I don't plan to go crazy like I did with Aubrie. That whole "eating for two" thing, yeah that's not TRUE!

So we have the crib & changing table and over the weekend we got our Travel System(it's PINK!) we are still cleaning out her room so we can start putting everything together! Yay! Her room used to be our storage room so now we are storing our things at my parents. I've been trying to pick up the essential baby items needed just here and there but wow.... it definitely adds up! Guess I shouldn't have gotten rid of 98% of Aubrie's baby stuff. Although we move A LOT and really didn't have the storage to keep everything. Not saying there will be a 3rd BUT I have learned that "you just never know" so I WILL be holding on to all of these baby items!

Halloween was fun. Aubrie was Belle -one of the Disney Princesses. I must say she was beautiful and really did look like a Princess. I wanted to join in on the fun to so I purchased a little $5.00 cat ear, collar and tail set. Although I must say I looked more like a mouse than a cat, but whatever haha.