Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, September 7, 2009

On Saturday we took my grandmother and drove up to the mountains for the day. This is us at Lover's Leap. The view was breath taking. Aubrie asked us on the way there if we were going to slide down the mountain and would it be cold. I think the only type of mountains she has seen were on tv and they were covered with snow. I was impressed she even knew what a mountain was. When she first saw them she screamed with excitement. That moment was worth the whole trip. She took her daddy's binoculars and carried them around the whole time... looking through them every now and then (soooo cute!) We had a picnic, visited Mabry Mills, saw beautiful scenery, met the cutest little shi-poo puppy named Maggie, laughed, and at the end my grandmother told me how much it meant to her that we took her and that she hadn't been to that specific place since she and my grandfather last went. I will admit I wasn't looking extremely forward to going but the fact that it meant so much to her meant everything to me. And who knows if she will ever get to visit that place again. We were so happy we were able to take her and I know she enjoyed every second of it....especially being able to share it with her great grand daughter Aubrie.