Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A picture is worth a thousand words

I realized that I haven't been taking pictures like I used to. I used to take pictures of Aubrie's every smile, every move, a pretty flower, my dogs being silly, goofy pics of Kirk and I. I looked over at a table in our office and saw BOTH of our cameras sitting there collecting dust.... batteries run down. I realized right then and there that I need to charge those batteries and start taking pictures as if i'd never see another day again. I love pictures. They really are worth a thousand words. As you get older you remember certain memories from your childhood....meaningful memories, weird memories, pointless memories, etc... unfortunately we cannot remember them all, our brains just simply don't allow us to. That is why pictures are so awesome, as well as home videos. You can look at a picture that you haven't seen in 10 years that you forgot about and you immediately remember the event in which that picture was taken. I am so glad that I made several videos of Aubrie when she was a baby because I honestly do not remember her being that little. Even though it was only 3 years ago and it was such a meaningful time, it's like she grew up overnight. My memory simply cannot recall all of the wonderful times we had, the cute little things she did, etc.... but I can look back on those videos and I immediately remember that specific period of time and my heart just melts.

Goal for the day: Charge those batteries, dust off that camera and take at least 10 pictures. - CHECK!

If you have a camera and haven't taken pictures in a while, grab that camera today and take a few pictures. Take a picture of your favorite things. Your favorite book, a pretty flower in your yard, your house, your car, your favorite purse, outfit, etc.... if you're thinking that would be silly....think again. Don't you love to see pictures of your parents childhood, your grandparents, their parents? It's fascinating. How times have changed. Think of your children, your grandchildren, their children...... wouldn't they love to see pictures of things that meant the most to you or at one point in time you loved? Ofcourse!

I'm going to go get started!