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Thursday, June 25, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

1. I love my daughter and husband more than life itself and no one or anything will EVER change that.
2. I'm scared of the dark
3.I will never, ever eat ANY type of seafood......ever!
4. I love all animals.....even mean ones. If I see a dead skunk in the road it makes me sad.
5.No matter how much sleep I get, I NEVER have enough energy to do what I need to do.
6. I can't swallow pills. I can take a Motrin for headaches but other than that I just can't do it. I think this is due to a traumatic experience when I was a child. I chocked on a peppermint. It was scary.
7.I knew at age 14 I would end up marrying Kirk. No matter what happened, we would end up together. I was right.
8.Sweet tea and Diet Dr.Pepper make me happy
9. When I am sitting at the computer I HAVE to have my hair dryer blowing on my feet.
10. I clean my ears at least twice a DAY! Not because I need to, but I just don't like dirty ears.
11. My car is a piece of crap, I know this and I could care less.
12. I am not religious..... at all.
13. I like to be tan all through the year.
14. I set my clocks 10 mins fast and I am still late for EVERYTHING.
15. I procrastinate BIG TIME.
16. I hate talking on the phone.
17. I think shaking hands with people, esp. strangers is gross.
18. Even though I haven't been diagnosed I KNOW that I have ADD.
19. I get teary eyed when i'm really happy.
20. If I had the money I would get plastic surgery for a couple of things.
21.After having Aubrie I said that I didn't want anymore children. That's changed and I can't wait to have another baby!
22. I miss all of my friends from high school.
23. I believe that having my daughter was the best thing that ever happened to me. She and her Daddy changed my life in ways I could have only dreamed.
24. I am terrified of death. T E R R I F I E D.
25. My husband is the best husband and Daddy I could EVER ask for. He is my best friend and I will love him forever.